Back Lat Ppull Downs

Back lat pull-downs

Back Lat Ppull Downs. Initial position – sit facing the machine with the thighs positioned under the pads, grasping the bar with a wide overhand grip:

– Inhale and pull the bar down to the back of the neck, bringing the elbows alongside the body.

– Exhale at the end of the movement.

Back lat pull-downs. Performance of the exercise

Performance of the exercise

Back lat ppull downs develops the width of the back.

Variation at a machine with a fixed axis

Variation at a machine with a fixed axis

It works the latissimus dorsi (mainly the lateral and lower fibers), the teres major, the forearm flexors (biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis), the rhomboids, and the lower portion of the trapezius.

The latter two muscles come into play when the shoulder blades are pulled together. Back lat pull-downs help beginners develop enough strength to move on to chin-ups.

Back Lat Pull-downs – Workout Video

Application of the exercise

Who shall do it: Middle and higher level athletes.

When: In the first half of the training session. Before this exercise you should perform chin-ups, after back lat pull-downs you should perform straight-arm lat pull-downs.

How many: 3 sets, 10 – 20 repetitions.

Features and recommendations

We work with your back!

Upper Row – Exercise for the back muscles. It is not without reason that every time we focus on the phrase “the power of the wings.” This means that you need to clearly feel what you are working with, what muscles are involved in the process.

The fact is that a significant part of the load from this traction can be taken due to the strength of the biceps, and the rest can be brought already with the wings. In this case, the meaning of the exercise is lost. And the biceps will get tired. They are usually much stronger in humans than wings. Therefore, when the weight goes to the lats, they immediately begin to feel discomfort, sometimes even hurt and “refuse.” The weight immediately becomes heavy.

Pull of the upper block to the chest

When you are pulling a lot and it seems light to you, think, are you doing the exercise with your biceps? There is a wide range of specific exercises for them, but here they just help, but they do not prevail, as is often the case with most novice athletes.

Elbow position

Raise your hands up in front of the mirror. Pay attention to your wings, turn your elbows in different directions – what do you see? The wings move. Therefore, the position of the elbows during any pull decides which part of the lats will work.

This is why there are different hand positions. It is necessary to keep the elbows in a strictly defined way in each grip. This will ensure that the desired areas of the spinal muscles work. During the exercise, the elbows must be fixed so that they do not “float” from side to side.

Also watch your shoulders. In any case, the movement of the hands will be parallel, but one shoulder may be higher than the other.

Upper block thrust

Jerks, cheating, injuries

If you are doing jerks, it means that you took a large load. Turn it down and do everything smoothly.

Some pull the bar down due to the weight of their own body, giving the movement an initial acceleration, and then by the force of the muscles return it back. This is dangerous, you risk damaging the ligaments.

The exercise involves the posterior bundles of the deltoid muscles. They are very vulnerable, for the sake of them we do a warm-up to properly warm up. If the latissimus muscle is not easy to pull, then the shoulders are elementary. It is enough to make a sharp jerk on the “cold” muscle. The pull of the upper block with a reverse grip is easiest, and the shoulders are most often injured on it. Be careful and the vertical block pull will serve you great!

Lats and Middle Back Exercises

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Lats and Middle Back


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