Bending of hands on the bench LARRY-SCOTT. The starting position is standing or sitting. Place your hands on the special board “LARRY SCOTT”:
– inhale and bend your arms, lifting the bar;
– At the end of the movement to exhale.
Performing an exercise bending of hands on the bench LARRY-SCOTT
This is one of the best exercises for local impact on the biceps.
Attention: the angle of the bench tilt creates a significant tension of the tendons of the hands when they are fully straightened. To avoid injury to the tendons, do not forget to warm up the muscles using a pre-weight of medium gravity.
Video for exercise – bending of hands on the bench LARRY-SCOTT
The exercise of flexing hands on the bench LARRY-SCOTT
For whom: To everyone, from beginner to master.
When: In the second half of the workout.The last exercise for the biceps, before bending the hands on the bench LARRY-SCOTT, perform the bending of the hands with the neck of the bar and the bending of the hands with the dumbbells by the grip of the hammer.
How many: 3-4 sets for 8-15 reps.