How to do a proper deadlift with barbell. Trap bar deadlift

Barbell deadlift


How to Deadlift with Proper Form: The Definitive Guide. Initial position – stand facing the barbell, legs slightly apart with the abdominal muscles contracted and the back slightly arched. Bend the knees until the thighs are horizontal with the floor.

This position will vary depending on the flexibility at the ankles and your physical structure. (The thighs will be horizontal for someone with short femurs and arms. The thighs will be above than horizontal for someone with long femurs and arms.)

Grasp the barbell with extended arms in an overhand grip a little wider than shoulder-width apart (reversing the grip of one hand—one overhand and one underhand— keeps the bar from rolling, which allows you to use much heavier weights):

  • Inhale, hold the breath, and contract the abdominal muscles and low back and raise the bar by straightening the legs and allowing the bar to slide up the shins.
  • When the bar reaches the knees, straighten the torso while straightening the legs.
  • Exhale at the end of the effort.

How to do a proper deadlift performance

Deadlifts. Performance of the exercise

Throughout the exercise, never straighten your back!

This exercise works nearly every muscle in the body and is effective for developing the lumbosacral and trapezius muscles. It also works the gluteal muscles and quadriceps intensely.

The deadlift, along with the bench press and the squat, make up the exercises in power-lifting competitions.

Comment: By limiting the rolling of the bar, the reverse grip allows you to lift much heavier weights.


  1. Reverse power grip;
  2. Classic grip.


Attention: To prevent injury, never round the back during the exercise.

Muscles used during the deadlift (highlighted)

Muscles used during the deadlift (highlighted)
Muscles used during the deadlift (highlighted)

No matter what the exercise, as soon as heavy weights are involved, it is essential to create a “block”:

  1. Expanding the chest and holding a deep breath fills the lungs, which supports the rib cage and prevents the chest from collapsing forward.
  2. Contracting the abdominal muscle group supports the core and increases the intra-abdominal pressure, which prevents the torso from collapsing forward.
  3. Finally, arching the low back by contracting the lumbar muscles positions the spinal column in extension.

These three actions together are referred to as blocking, which keeps you from rounding the back (vertebral flexion). A rounded back when lifting heavy weights cart cause a herniated disc.

Read more: Deadlift Basics

Deadlift with barbell – Workout Video

Deadlift application of the exercise

Who shall do it: Middle and higher level athletes.

When: In the beginning of the training session dedicated back or legs. After deadlifts you should perform back thickness exercises, for example – one-arm dumbbell rows, or perform legs exercises, for example angled leg presses.

How many: 4 sets, 10 – 15 repetitions.

Lower Back Exercises:

Lower-back Exercises


Lower Back Exercises & Lower Back Workouts

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